Listing (2 lines) in our Web Site Directory ... $20 per issue (2 issue minimum)
Listing in our Book Releases section ... $90.00 per issue (2 issue minimum)
Listing (up to 40 words) in our Calendar of Events or Classified Ads sections ... $50 per issue (no minimum)
Your Gospel song included on Gospel USA's next Compilation CD ... $300, $350 or $400 per song. (Price depends upon the length of your song or which track number on the cd you desire). The next issue to include a compilation CD will be our Apr - Jun 2025 issue. Slots are on sale now.
Display Ads
1/8 page, full color ... $90
1/4 page, full color ... $175
1/2 page, full color ... $300
Full page (after page 3), full color ... $600
Inside back cover, full color ... $600
Outside back cover, full color ... $600
Inside front cover, full color ... $700
Front cover (includes 1 full color page inside plus additional perks) ... $1,600
Current and back issues (if available) ... $5 or more each plus postage
The advertising rates listed above are our Discounted Industry Rates and are available to all Gospel industry personnel and select others (except large corporations, ad agencies, media and barters). Large corporations, ad agencies, media, barters and select others will be charged our Corporate Rates, which are double the listed Industry Rates.
Our next issue will be our January - March 2025 issue, which will be distributed beginning in January 2025. The advertising deadline is: December 20th, 2024 or until advertising space runs out (whichever comes first).
Here are our ad size specifications:
(Ad copy should not exceed these dimensions)
1/8 page ... 3.65" W x 2.35" H
1/4 page ... 3.65" W x 4.75" H
1/2 page ... 7.50" W x 4.75" H
Full page bleed ... 8.5" W x 10.75" H
Full page bleed (live area) ... 7.5" W x 9.75" H
Back cover bleed ... 8.375" W x 9.5" H
Back cover bleed (live area) ... 7.625" W x 9.125" H
Bleeds are accepted for full page ads only. Acceptable file formats include tif, jpg, pdf and others. All payments for orders are due with order submission unless otherwise agreed. No cancellations or refunds for orders which have been partially or fully paid for. However, a credit will be issued. An ad proof will be provided to the advertiser before the issue is released if requested. Otherwise, advertiser agrees to accept ad as accurate when it is published.
DISCLAIMER: All ads and copy are subject to the approval of the publisher. By the submission of all materials (ads, copy, information, art work, photos, music, verbal or written information, ad approvals, etc.), or payment for the same, the submitter of the material or payer for the same hereby confirms that he/she is legally authorized to possess, distribute and publicize that material into this publication without additional approval, and accepts full legal responsibility for doing so. Advertisement in this magazine does not necessarily constitute endorsement by this magazine. We attempt to verify all information which appears within. However, we are not able to guarantee that all information within is fact. Re-verification before taking action is strongly recommended. The distribution date of each issue may vary. Our liability for any circumstance which causes failure to publish an issue is limited to the return of the price paid by the purchaser for the ad or service.